CordLess Sensor Pads/Floor Mats
Patient Alert System with Built-In Alarm
This patient alert system helps prevent the risk of falling out of a bed or chair. Dangerous falls can lead to bruises, soreness, and sometimes broken bones. Cordless Sensor Pads and Floor Mats are an effective alarm system used to detect the movement of a patient while resting. When pressure is removed from the pad, a wireless signal is sent to the monitor and sounds off an alarm to alert the caregiver.
Programmed to a Cordless Monitor
Sensor Pads warn caregivers when a patient has sat-up from their bed or chair. The pads are designed to remain in place allowing patients to shift positions without setting off the alarm. Floor mats are placed at the entry of a room to send an early warning of patient wandering. When pressure is removed, the sensors send a wireless signal to the alarm to alert caregivers that the pad or mat is activated. Programmed to a cordless monitor, this eliminates the use of cords between the sensors and the alarm to help reduce entanglement and trip hazards.
Offers Comfort to Both Patients and Caregivers
Manufactured to the highest standards of quality, these sensor pads and floor mats used in conjunction with alarm units make all the difference to both a patient's and a caregiver's daily quality of life. The safety monitor system offers comfort and fall prevention to patients as well as reliable monitoring and peace of mind to the caregiver. This monitor system also acts as a quiet solution for alarms with seniors.